Tag Archives: gaiman

city as palimpsest, redux

“Richard Lehan* has pointed out the impact of urban archaeology’s ‘discovery of layered cities’ – notably Heinrich Schliemann’s discoveries in Troy (1871) and Arthur Evans’ in Crete (Knossos, 1876) – upon modernist urban literature. Urban fantasy has been particularly influenced … Continue reading

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Academy: Animated Feature Symposium

3/4/10 Intro: 21 films available to be nominated this year, and you must watch all to nominate at all; this year’s diversity: 2 “classic” animation, one CG and two stop motion Coraline 3D clip #1 (into the other world) Henry … Continue reading

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how modes of transportation affect life in Los Angeles

the geography of the city the public transit system the necessity of a car; the luxury of a car “L.A. doesn’t seem to work without a car.” ~~Neil Gaiman & Craig Russell, Murder Mysteries “Los Angeles was at that time … Continue reading

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cityscope: a compilation of obsessions

mini-book/zine i made for my friends, december 2006 ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******

Posted in art/architecture, history/memory, language, literature, los angeles, movies/photography, music, philosophy/religion | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on cityscope: a compilation of obsessions