Tag Archives: food

a new country

On some lucky MTA buses there are televisions. On the luckiest buses these televisions work. On these working televisions there is a variety of bus-worthy programming, including Facts of the Day — occasionally informative tidbits in English or Spanish in … Continue reading

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Boston (day 2, part 2)

New England Holocaust Memorial: Mayor Kevin Hagan White, apparently a very large man: Boston Irish Famine Memorial… with food smashed on it: more fun statues: politics: Paul Revere Mall, Mr. Revere on horseback

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Boston (day 1)

Between NY and CT, I spent a good bit of time trying to capture the way the water running down the rocks along the side of the road was frozen, but we were moving too fast to really get it. … Continue reading

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How to Be Alone by Jonathan Franzen

phrases I liked: in “My Father’s Brain”: the brain as “lovely and postmodern” p. 10 “medicalization of human experience” p. 19 “ever-expanding nomenclature of victimhood”p. 19 “My sense of private selfhood turns out to have been illusory” p. 20 “the … Continue reading

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fante tour

I’m sure Esotouric’s John Fante-based tour of L.A. is fantastic, but since no one I know has $58 to set aside for such a tour, a few months ago some friends and I decided to make our own Fante tour. … Continue reading

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