Category Archives: travel

the tame and the wild

in harmony, in competition Ta Prohm, Cambodia (thank you, wikipedia)

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A Lesson From Egypt: Driving

As far as I can tell, Los Angeles is somewhat notorious for traffic and crazy driving. However, while I’m no expert on traffic patterns across the world, I can say with certainty, Los Angeles has nothing on Cairo. If you … Continue reading

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San Francisco, 2/09

I recently spent a day in San Francisco in an attempt to (a) hang out with my friends up there [check] and (b) learn that S.F. is not as bad as I previously suspected [check]. What I saw: random items … Continue reading

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history is written on the sands

In this “historic time” (as people enjoy saying), it’s interesting (though admittedly not necessarily that worthwhile) to consider how we’ll be viewed through the lenses of history — what true facts will remain and what misinformation will have crept in. … Continue reading

Posted in art/architecture, history/memory, language, travel | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Grand Canyon, Henry Miller

“When you come to the Grand Canyon it’s as though Nature were breaking out into supplication. On an average it’s only ten to eighteen miles from rim to rim of the Canyon, but it takes two days to traverse it … Continue reading

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