Category Archives: los angeles

in that case

overheard: (man on bus on cell phone) “I just wanted to bring this up — I don’t like how you keep saying I wasn’t there for the first few years of his life. He’s five now and I’ve always been … Continue reading

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L.A.’s 87 neighborhoods

Initially copy editing appealed to the logic part of my brain — the part that likes math and programming (until the other side of my brain gets annoyed). But as an editor it’s important to accept the fact that rules … Continue reading

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Thom Andersen on Modernist Architecture

Hollywood’s Anti-Modernism: An Update and Reconsideration at the Hollyhock House Barnsdall Gallery Theater some notes, from memory, since I forgot to take notes: Andersen begins by showing the architecture section from his 2003 documentary Los Angeles Plays Itself, then (after … Continue reading

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Watts Towers

Watts Towers, 1765 East 107th St, Los Angeles, CA There are tons of better pictures on the internet, for example here, but these are mine, so here: On my way back to the Metro station I was walking on the … Continue reading

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what you don’t want to see when you’re already late: exactly what you want to see (but equally distressing as “delayed” when there is, in fact, NO bus in visual range): It’s a long story (not really) and needless to … Continue reading

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