words—related/unrelated, confusing/amusing

accountable—capable of being explained/defended
culpable—deserving blame

acrimony—bitterness, harshness towards someone or something
agrimony—a plant of the rose family

anaphora—the repetition of the same word at the beginning of consecutive sentences
anathema—something or someone that is strongly disliked

anhedonia—an inability to experience pleasure from normally pleasurable life events

anonymity—not being identified

antipodal—diametrically opposite; entirely opposed

arcanum (pl.= arcana)—a deep secret; a mystery

chthonic—Dwelling in or under the earth; also, pertaining to the underworld

debutante—an young woman debuting in society
dilettante—a dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge; a connoisseur

enmity—mutual hatred or ill will
inimitable—not capable of being imitated
inimical—being adverse

epistemology—the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge
epistolary—of, relating to, or suitable to a letter

epithalamium—a poem for a bride or bridegroom
epithelium—thin tissue forming the outer layer of a body’s surface
epithet—a descriptive word or phrase in place of a name

eschatology—a branch of theology concerned with the final events
scatology—interest in or treatment of obscene matters especially in literature

gambit—a calculated move
gamut—an entire range or series

hermeneutics—the pursuit of meaning following specified principles of interpretation
hermetic—relating to or characterized by occultism or abstruseness

hurdle—(v) jump over an obstacle or hurdle; (n) a frame that runners jump over
hurtle—move with great speed usually toward or away from something

implication—what you are implying
inference—what I am inferring or what I am taking your implication to mean

liquate—to separate metals in an alloy by melting the more fusible constituents while leaving the less fusible ones solid
liquidate—to convert (assets) into cash or to put an end to

lo—(interjection) used to attract attention or to show surprise

lucid—suffused with light; clear to the understanding
ludic—‘playful’; refers to any philosophy where play is the prime purpose of life

mawkish—sickly or excessively sentimental

mountebanks—a flamboyant charlatan

oneiric—of, pertaining to, or suggestive of dreams; dreamy

palate—a usually intellectual taste or liking
palette—a comparable range, quality, or use of available elements
pallet—a portable platform for handling, storing, or moving materials and packages

penchant—a strong and continued inclination
penitence—sorrow for sins or faults

perpetrate—carry out or commit (usually a wrong)
perpetuate—continue or preserve (usually an action or belief)

preface—introduction to a book or literary work
preference—(v) the act of preferring; (n) one that is preferred

proscenium arch—the arch that frames a stage, separating it from the auditorium

repartee—an exchange of quick, clever retorts
repertoire—the works that an artist (company, actor, singer) is prepared to perform

revelry—lively festivities
reverie—state of being lost in thought

tautology—repetition of the same sense in different words
teleology—the study of evidences of design in nature

georgic—a poem dealing with agriculture
bucolic—of or relating to shepherds
pastoral—of, relating to, or composed of shepherds
idyllic—pleasing or picturesque in natural simplicity

illusory elusory illusive allusive elusive (collusive) (delusive) illusion allusion elusion (collusion) (delusion) illude allude elude (collude) (delude) illicit elicit (elucidate)

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